Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Background samples

Here are just a few of my samples that I will post online right now that I have made for the game. I've been learning how to make more good backgrounds and hopefully this is just a step up from last time.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Update more scenes and R.I.P. Jew wario

If I can stop playig the order of light for a second i could get a lot more done... ok now for the update!
So far I have a few scenes made. I have the first village just about created from the ground up. I had some inspiration from a certain Danish town where I used to visit as a kid in Santa Barbara California  for inspiration. :) I will be loading some art soon that I have in the works for everything I have soon. So look out for that.

I am currently working on the backgrounds for Erebus and the demon lords castle. Still need to create monsters for the inside for it though.

It saddens me that one of my favorite Internet stars is now gone. Jewarrio who did the show "you can play this" commited suicide on the 23 of january this month. I enjoyed his personality and his caring attitude for the past 4 years, and will miss him dearly. For those who knew him or loved his work, we are all going to miss a great person who made this world a little better. Rest easy dear sir and we will miss you greatly :(

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Villages suck up to much time! And if you like schmups...

No matter how much time I tell myself that I am going to pour into a project, it always turns out I spend more then what I allow. For right now that's making a town that has European like houses in a line at a 45' angle. It took me close to three days to learn, put into practice, and finally get to the point where I could be happy with it. Lesson learned in this, if I am going to do a village again, I better put aside more time for myself to create it, and I am not even done with the scenes background as of yet. But don't worry, I will eventually get it done by today or sometime this week.

Also, I have a certain game that I am playing (not made by me and its fun and free I might add) that is addictive as heck. Sure its a short and sweet game, but it can be hard as nails. I want to introduce to you if you haven't heard of it yet Kokuhuku. It is a TG or Gender Bender game where either a swordsman, Archer, or Wizzard goes to an island full of women to get rid of his fear of girls. Only the catch is on this island, only have girls on the island is because they do not allow men on the island at all. If there ever is a man on the island they transform the said man into a girl. So it is up to you to avoid turning into a girl, and get off the island as soon as possible. You can find the said game located here for download here if you want to try it. http://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=addreview&id=345

Monday, January 20, 2014

Got more work done

I managed to fix up the title card a little more, though it may need more fixing later on. I wasn't quite pleased with how the tittle card came out, I wanted to fix it up a little better then what I had provided.

On another note I finally got some backgrounds done! I have been teaching myself how to create better backgrounds for a while now and I think I may have gotten some headway. They don't look meh... anymore. Now they look just a little more dynamic, so that is a great relief. I will try and work on at least one background a day to get some headway in this game, it doesn't take me as long when creating a character, but they do eat up at least half of my time as much as creating a character. 

As for the backgrounds, I have the forest in the day, afternoon, and night all complete. I'll post the images up when I can, but for now just take my word for it that the backgrounds for the forest is currently done. I have a whole lot more to work on, however it should go by pretty fast if I can keep at a good pace for a trial to be released soon.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tittle Card

We Now have a Title card everyone (Please note that the quality is very low compared to the finished project). I needed to create the newest Title card due to having the other title card being owned by someone else with a copyright fair use policy. There is already a steady musical theme in it and everything. Also more sprites have also been made, so be ready to see those as well. Postings will be put up every so often about what I complete and working on.
(This is not the final result)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

News: Title card and story underway!

The beginnings of the story are finally underway. I have put in the title card and the music for it as well as a test. So far things are going fine, but I still need to insert the characters for the game. The story itself is being implemented up to about five minutes in game.

Lets keep going for the one man ARMY right now! RAH!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Shattered Vengeance in progress

Welcome to the new blog where you can see the progress to the game Shattered Vengeance. This is a visual novel game being worked on based in the choices you make in how the main protagonist turns out. So far no beta or trial has been released a of yet. However, there should be something really soon for you all to preview.